10 Success Rules – No 8


Jonny’s continuing the turkey-dash to Christmas with the top ten success rules to help you double your revenue as a coach, trainer or therapist in 2018.

Number Eight: Don’t try to please everyone

You’re not playing for the popular vote, so you don’t need 50{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} of the world behind you.

Opinions differ, but I’ve heard it said that coaches can make an outstanding living forever with as few as 100 raving fans. In context, whether it’s 100 or 1,000, it’s nothing like the 4 billion folks you could try and reach by social media alone.

Far from trying to PLEASE everyone, you’re far better off trying to IGNORE almost everyone in your quest to discover your true followers, and them you.

Doing this requires clarity of message, simplicity of offering, and a deep understanding of who you truly are.

Then whilst the hoards are pushing back and ruling themselves out of your world, you’re one step nearer to the next elite, faithful, ideal client.


PS – Xmas special for £99. A whole hour being coached and learning how to please those who truly matter. Let’s get your clarity sorted for 2018, and set you up for ultimate success. 

Book here……..and, as ever – 100{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you get nothing out of it, I get nothing either. Now that should please EVERYONE!.

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