3 steps to online success

Writer Mike Shreeve talks about the three things you need to make a living as an online entrepreneur.

And whether you call yourself a coach, healer, therapist, mystic or spirit guide, you’re an online entrepreneur.

The art is in making sure you didn’t just swap one boss (in your old J.O.B.) for another boss – your overdemanding, underpaying client.

So here are those three essentials:

1: A premium offer for a premium client
2: Systems to automate the awkward stuff
3: People to do the work you don’t need to

But that all takes money, right Jonny?

Well, maybe 2 & 3 might need a little cashflow.

But you can create a premium client today in 3 simple steps.

1: Write out the sum total of all you know you could help them with.
2: Put a price on it.
3: Call somebody and talk about it.

Each time you do that, you’re one call away from a premium client.

Systems and teams can come later.

But a premium client?

Nothing has to come first.

Love you lots

PS: Watch out in the Group for the spectacular CABASS competition running all through April

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