5 secrets of easy recurring revenue

That headline is misleading, on reflection.

Firstly, what I’m going to show you aren’t secrets, and there may well be lots of people doing them right now.

Secondly, they’re not particularly easy.

But I will show you FIVE ways to make money from recurring revenue, so one out of three promises is still ok, right?

  • Invite people who’ve said no to your high-ticket programme to join your monthly subscription community at a fraction of the price
  • Invite clients who’ve been through your high-ticket programme to join the community as a continuation proposition
  • Bundle a few month’s free trial to your subscription community in with your high-ticket programme, set to auto-renew after that
  • Hook up with a “competitor” who doesn’t offer a subscription package and get them to sell yours for a revenue split
  • Contact all your “former” clients and offer them membership of your subscription community at a favourable rate

The most important part of a subscription product paying you recurring revenue isn’t sitting down and thinking about it.

It’s DOING it, and now.

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