When you’re not crystal clear what single, massive, transformational benefit you bring to your ideal client, all kinds of bad stuff will happen:
- It’ll be hard to craft content that engages and sells
- Your social media posts will baffle and tire your readers
- You’ll be asked to deliver disparate, ad-hoc services, making your business harder to scale
- People you don’t want to work with will mistakenly assume you can help them
- As a generalist, you’ll never be paid what your specialism might have been worth
How do I know this?
Because I suffered from all this [and more] for nearly 15 years in my roller-coaster career with the foggy title of “Business Consultant”.
I suffer no more, because I know YOU’RE my perfect client, and I know I can help you attract YOUR ideal clients, with all that entails.
Inch wide. Mile deep.
The other way round sucks.