Yesterday, we talked about taking stock of achievements this year by evaluating things you loved, loathed, learned and longed for in 2024.
Now, as the New Year hurtles towards you like a blackboard duster from a sadistic English teacher (yes, I had one of those), here are 5 daily habits guaranteed to make things even better in the next 12 months.
In fact, with this stuff accomplished, you won’t even recognise yourself by the end of 2025.
1: Sleep 8 hours a night. OMG, is this the biggie. I don’t care what you tell yourself about your metabolism, your genes or your body-clock. You need a solid night’s sleep if you’re a functioning human. Get away with 7, but any less is asking for trouble.
2: Write every day. It’s a core skill to practice if you’re to get anywhere online with your business. Nobody wants to wade through turgid, languid prose, and nobody will. Commanding attention with your words is your primary goal next year. Nothing else works if they’re not reading about you.
3: Talk to someone. Not in the sense of seeing a shrink – although I’m not judging if you want one – but start a conversation every day with someone who looks like your next ideal client. Tap them on the shoulder, ask about their darkest problem or their brightest hope, and offer to help them.
4: Make some money. Wake up and ask: who’s going to pay me today? Revenue Generating Activities (RGAs) trump everything else you could be doing before the sun goes down. A day without a pay cheque is another day plying an expensive hobby.
5: Double down on health and nutrition. Set a movement routine, study what you’re eating, and drink loads of clear, fresh water. Avoid additives, flavourings, colourings and ultra-processed foods of any kind. Use the YUKA app to check what’s entering your precious, irreplaceable body.
My dearest wish is for you to thrive in ’25.
Get started today…