5 Ways To Promote Yourself in 2025

At this point in history, we’re all sick of marketing posts and messages.

Everyone’s newsfeeds and inboxes are overflowing with poorly-written, badly-aimed buy-my-shizzle BS from people who don’t know the first thing about what their hapless victims need or want.

And it’s gotten real old.

Question: what are YOU going to do to promote your services so your ideal clients realise you’re the ONLY person to help them fulfil their wildest dreams in the next 12 months?

Here are 5 simple ideas that’ll get you somewhere on that path:

1: Share stories – about you, your experiences and what led you to be right here in their faces today
2: Answer questions – look around at what your audience is confused about, and solve their dilemma
3: Tell them what to do now – everyone loves a clear path to the next step. Don’t leave them without a CTA
4: Offer a gift – something useful and free like an eBook or cheat-sheet, so they’ll want to pay you for the rest
5: Start a bloody conversation – you see someone you can help, shoot them a message and ask what they need

Do each of those at least once, every day.

The world’s changing fast. Nobody knows where AI will have taken us in another year, but one thing will always be true:

People buy from people they know, like and trust, and they’ll never feel that about you if you’re invisible.

Get busy, get seen, and you’ll come alive in ’25.


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