7 questions to get what you want


Working closely with over 500 coaches and therapists in my VIP communities since 2018, I’ve spotted a trend. 

You’re not asking enough questions.

Big, important questions.

Like these:

  • What disappoints you most about your life today?
  • How urgent and important is it for you to change that?
  • What would your perfect life look like?
  • Shall we jump on a quick call and see if I can share any useful insights?
  • If we could work together for just a few weeks and solve this, would you?
  • Taking money off the table, is this something you’d like to get started on?
  • If money were no object, would we already be working together?

Questions lead to conversations.

Conversations lead to sales.

However you slice it, too few questions means too few sales.

And no questions at all means…well, you know the rest. 

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