7 Survival tips in this crazy world

My pal Marc Mawhinney sent me a copy of Thick Face, Black Heart, a seminal tome by Chinese-American Author Chin-Ning Chu.

Chu writes about balancing the desire to be nice to everyone with the awareness that the world can be a tough and cruel place.

In his words – the pickpocket doesn’t see a saint, he just sees a wallet. 

As a 21st-century digipreneur, it’s good to temper your open kindness with some simple safeguards:

  • Update passwords regularly and keep them cryptic
  • Ignore/block/report anything that doesn’t feel right, right away
  • Don’t discount your prices in response to the poverty pleadings of a client
  • Spread payments only when your instinct tells you that’d be smart
  • Exude confidence, strength and authority in all you do
  • If you feel you are getting screwed, back away, because you probably are
  • Create friendship before business – it’ll always turn out better for you both

You don’t need to be a saint to be popular, in-demand and successful.

Just don’t be a pickpocket either.


PS – My “saintly” deed for the week is offering YOU a “Find Your Groove” 30-minute session with me before the end of next week. My treat, but book it TODAY though, as the booking calendar comes down at midnight UK tonight, Tuesday 10th November.  

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