7 ways to improve your life

As this is DBT #1407, I got to thinking about some highlights.

And as 1407 is beautifully divisible by 7, here are seven DBTs from the last 1.407 thousand I wrote, handpicked by me: 

1: The power of focusing on what you want:
2: Doing the important stuff:
3: Your simplest funnel:
4: Which fruit are you?
5: Solid or vague?
6: It’s not all about money:
7: An easy way to grow:

Of course, they’re far from the only 7 worth reading, and you can browse the whole DBT archive right here:


Back tomorrow with a brand new Daily Brain Tattoo – that’ll be #1408, beautifully divisible by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128!

Aren’t numbers great?


PS: Pretty much your last chance to register for the 3Day Sales Sprint where you’re almost GUARANTEED to earn an extra £3k by the end of the year. It’s free, it’s starting tomorrow, and here’s where to get onboard: https://bit.ly/JHM-3DSS 

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