Awkward Picture…

I hate gym selfies, even if they’re taken by someone else. (I guess they’re not selfies then, but hey.)

They’re often a sign of vanity, ego and/or virtue signalling.

But I’m sharing this pic as I realised something important.

I realised keeping fit isn’t just a good idea.

It’s my duty.

I owe it to Tanya , Oscar and yes, to you.

There’s so much yet to do, for all of our sakes.

Emma Cowell, my inspiring and talented PT, took this pic today as she says she’s impressed with my progress.

And if she’s impressed, I’m impressed.

We have a ball together, and she shares my goal to be fitter, faster and stronger than anyone else my age.

I’m 66 this year, but I feel like I’m just getting started.

Longevity is a prerequisite of the impact and legacy I want to create in the global community of coaches and therapists.

We’re all getting older, but we don’t have to BE older.

Love you lots

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