2,300 year-old marketing

Back in 300 BC, the Greeks were enjoying their Classical Era, and luxuriating in the wisdom of such legendary thinkers as Aristotle. 

He knew then, as we should remember now, that effective persuasion comes in three essential parts:

E for Ethos: The authority and credibility of the persuader
L for Logos: The sheer logic or sense in the message
P for Pathos: The emotion and passion behind the message

In your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, you’ll need to be a persuader with more than a rookie understanding of all three.

And in case you’re nervous about being branded manipulative for trying to persuade someone to enrol with you, here’s an important distinction:

Manipulation is getting someone to do something that’s not in their best interests.
Persuasion is getting someone to do something that’s absolutely in their best interests.

And as you know, working with you to solve their Big Expensive Problem is ALWAYS in their best interests, right?

So, if you want to get your Ideal Client into your world and you’re wondering what to say or write, remember ELP.

Aristotle was a big fan.



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