Three Pillars To Supercharge Your Sales

In your 21st century coaching or therapy business, there are pretty much just three pillars that’ll support your entire sales process. 

Without any one of these, it’ll crumble like Truss’s premiership and your business will feel like an intense migraine forever.

PILLAR ONE: Learn everything about your ideal clients – use polls, quizzes and simple engagement questions to frame new ways to ask the same two questions:

1: What do they have that they don’t want, and
2: What do they want that they don’t have?

[PRO TIP: The deeper you niche, the less you have to learn]

PILLAR TWO: Solve a big, expensive problem – determine what’s the cost to them in health, relationships and finances if they do nothing. Then build your offer to eliminate those costs. This ensures you’re never asking too much money for your services.

PILLAR THREE: Connect through conversation – stop pussy-hiding behind the comfy sofa of emails, texts and direct messages. People make high-ticket purchases when they see you as a walking, talking 3D human who cares enough about them to listen to what they really want. Trust levels soar and sales drop in your lap.

The members-only Academy Secret Session yesterday was an intense and impactful 60-minute workshop where we discussed the Three Pillars in depth and got some fantastic revelations across the 30-or-so VIP coaches and therapists who showed up.

This happens every week, so if you’re ready to join the elite band of your colleagues in the Client Attraction Academy, half-price lifetime membership is open ’till Friday this week.

It’ll supercharge your sales for sure.

Love you lots

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