I couldn’t believe this guy

I recently saw an offer from a talented online marketer who’d obviously decided to clear out his digital “loft” and have a yard sale.

An email link sent me to a page he’d created with a list of almost 100 different eBooks, video trainings, tip-sheets, blueprints and assorted courses, all to be bundled together in one lavish package “valued” at over $5,000.

Of course, he wouldn’t be charging me anything like that. A meagre $17 was all he wanted in return for full access, forever.

Here’s what I found myself asking:

  • How likely is it that all that stuff – or even a large part of it – would be any use to me?
  • If I wanted what one single bit of the bundle could do for me, why would I want all the rest?
  • If it really WAS worth £5k, why is he releasing it for pennies in the pound?
  • Would I have time to go through all that stuff when I get it?
  • Or, will it sit gathering dust in my digital “loft” for years?

It seems to me that throwing EVERYTHING you have into one ginormous jumble-sale of a package is actually quite lazy, and looks like you haven’t taken the time to understand the ONE BIG THING that your ideal client wants from you.

As Stu McLaren says:

“Your clients want MORE and LESS from you.”

  • They want more impact, more clients and more revenue.
  • But they want less overwhelm, less work and less stress.

 Everything you have is probably WAY too much for anyone else.

Just tell us what we need to know, show us how to use it, and stop right there.


PS – 6 sleeps to Xmas. What do you have planned? 

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