How to use testimonials

I read a coach recently saying she felt embarrassed to post client testimonials on her social media in case we all thought she was bragging.

So the question is, should you do this, and how?

Like many other aspects of self-promotion, the answer’s in the nuance. Building a tribe of raving fans is a wonderful asset – some might say essential – but there’s no need to be braggy about it.

Saying, “Look! Another client saying how amazing I am!” is one thing.

So it’s best to demonstrate social proof and remind potential future clients how they might benefit from working with you:

“I’m so excited that xxxxx got such a great result from our work together. If her experience resonates, let’s talk about how we could get the same for you.” 

That’s not bragging, it’s just giving us an insight into your world, your power and your value.

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