I just guessed your password

Actually I didn’t. No, really, I didn’t.

But, do you think anyone else might have?

The idea of someone hacking into your stuff is too horrendous to contemplate.

Yet, I wonder how hard YOUR passwords would be to guess.

Here are some password open-goals you might still be using:

  • Password – please tell me you’re not using that, or P455word or P@ssw0rd. It’s not big, and it’s not clever.
  • QWERTY or ASDFGH – hackers will love you!
  • 123456 or 098765 – they’ve got your number, and it won’t end well
  • YourName1 or BusinessName1 – come on, you can do better than that
  • Date of birth – yeah, like they can’t find that!
  • Common words – hackers have a list, and it’s bigger than yours.

If you’re even slightly guessable, start again, and make a crazy one. Actually, several different crazy ones.

Then, store them in a password depository like Dashlane.

To give you an idea, here’s the password to my website dashboard:


Actually, it was, but I just changed it.

Can you guess the new one?

No, I thought not.

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