All animals – including humans – have an instinctive desire to avoid pain.
Humans also have a well-developed sense of what brings them pleasure, and will often move mountains (or climb them) to get more of a kick out of life.
And in your 21st century expert business, knowing whether pain or pleasure triggers your potential clients more is a central pillar of your ability to attract them.
It’s clear how many successful marketers these days emphasise the good stuff that will rain down on us if we use their services, and seem to have stepped away from rubbing our nose in the depths of our grubby little current existence.
Do you want to lose that stubborn weight?
How’d you like to jet-ski with the cool kids?
Are you sick of feeling like an imposter?
Can you imagine lighting up every room like a king?
5 reasons you’ll always be a broke coach
5 simple steps to a thriving business, forever
I’m not saying one approach is better than the other, just that you need to enter the conversation they’re already having with themselves.
Understanding their core motivation is your shortcut to riches.