“Money Is Evil…”, or so I’ve heard.
And thinking back to every single time someone said that to me, I can guarantee they were broke.
As author Tim Denning says, poverty is worse than wealth in every single way.
It stops you creating the life you want, doing exciting things and experiencing true freedom.
With this fabulous spring and summer ahead of you, it’s time to stop blaming anything or anyone for your financial position, and take steps to divert the golden river of abundance in your direction.
In your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, there are only three things you need to be doing to meet all your financial goals:
1: Building a tribe of your ideal clients, and actively repelling everyone else
2: Getting really, really good at writing stories which demonstrate you get them
3: Starting conversations where you can make offers to help them
I know you’re good enough, and I know I can help you do it.
Are you ready?
Love you lots