What we really think of you

If your life is a jigsaw, every time you share something on social media, you are giving us a piece of that jigsaw.

Piece-by-piece, we’ll put them together and form our own picture of who you are and what you stand for.

And, once we’ve created that picture of you, it’s going to be hard for you to break it up and start again with new pieces.

Most of my favourite people have shown me life-jigsaws that look like this:

  • Happy, not whiney
  • Smart, not ignorant
  • Generous, not needy
  • Open-minded, not bigoted
  • Kind, not selfish
  • Non-judgemental, not gossipy
  • Funny, not miserable
  • Content, not angry
  • Interesting, not boring

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Next time you post, comment or message someone, what does that piece add to that jigsaw we’re building in our minds?

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