JOMO – The Hidden Art Of Happiness

We’ve all heard of FOMO – it’s been in the Oxford English Dictionary these past 10 years. 

But how about JOMO – The Joy Of Missing Out?

The title of a book by Svend Brinkmann, JOMO is the art of living on your terms, refusing to get distracted by shiny objects of any kind, real or virtual.

In your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, this means:

  • Shutting down your social feeds to almost nothing
  • Taking advice from one source at a time, then implementing it
  • Not engaging in pointless DM convos with aggressive sellers
  • Working smart, not hard, setting clear time boundaries for leisure
  • Not bowing to the latest fads – there’ll always be a new one tomorrow

JOMO is a philosophy that prohibits you from frittering away your days in pointless micro-pleasures, so you can focus on what really matters:

Building the life of freedom you crave and deserve. 

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