Your five steps to abundance


If you don’t get what you want, it’s a sign either you didn’t seriously want it, or you tried to bargain over the price.

All around this community, I see great ideas, skills and talents rotting in the twin dustbins of low-desire and skinflint investment.

Building your 21st century online coaching or therapy business takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to pay for support, guidance and mentoring from the best you can find.

Here’s a simple blueprint:

1: Pick something that people will pay to discover from you
2: Work out what kind of people would benefit the most from that
3: Package a simple offer at a solid price point
4: Spot someone around your socials who looks like they need it
5: Reach out and suggest a chat to see if you can help them

Do #4+#5 once a day, every day.

If you don’t know how to do any or all of those 5 steps, find someone who’s doing it successfully right now, and ask them for help.

And if reading this is causing discomfort, ask this:

Is building a real business important to me anyway?

Your answer to that question is never right or wrong, but it’ll give you a clue about what to do next.

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