Remember your plan for a business to easily generate £3k a month and cover your bills?
You build a website with your name loud and proud as a dot com, then punt your hourly sessions on a banner right at the top.
6 months in, no clients, the plan’s faltering a bit, and it’s suddenly no more than a wish. Then the wish turns almost imperceptibly into a fantasy.
The cruel thing at this point is that the fantastical area can feel real.
Like you believe the 3D TV movie’s real, until you turn the screen off and you’re still in your living room.
The reason for the Plan > Wish > Fantasy syndrome?
It was never a plan at all.
Thinking you can build a thriving coaching or therapy business without the Three Pillars in place is a fantasy from the get-go.
The Three Pillars?
- A deep understanding of WHAT you actually do
- A clear picture of WHO would benefit the most from that
- A plan for HOW you’re going to deliver it through your programme
I’m no fantasist, so let’s get to work on a REAL business for you.
Love you lots