5 ways to lose all your clients

On social media, it can take years to climb the ladder of trust and reputation for excellence. 

But one misplaced, misspoken diatribe, and you risk rolling back down the snake to ground zero.

In fact, if you regularly commit any of these crimes against personal branding, you’ll never even shake the double-six and get started. 

  • Being all into yourself: confidence is one thing. Boastful egotism another altogether
  • Always being right: admitting a slip or an incorrect opinion is a welcome sign of your humanity
  • Constant negativity: a leader rises above the whine-of-the-day and spreads solutions, not problems
  • Trash-talking others: no-one likes the feeling they’re only one step away from getting on your bad side
  • Plagiarism: people in your community are also in the communities where you steal from, so you’ll get found out

That’s not a list of All The Things, but you get the idea.

How else can I put it?

Oh yeah: Don’t Be A Dick. 

Love you lots

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