Your pathway through all this madness

Insanity levels are off the scale right now.

🤯 Neighbouring nations seem determined to wipe each other out
🤯 Summer means regular wildfires around the globe
🤯 Kids “earn” millions livestreaming themselves sleeping
🤯 People identify as “weather systems”, others marry chandeliers
🤯 Medical professionals slay their patients instead of saving them
🤯 The worst possible people rise to positions of power and influence
🤯 Economists can trash your finances at the stroke of a pen
🤯 Fellow humans are out to steal your identity, money and dignity

If you’re feeling at least a little weird with some of this, let alone scared for your future, I get it.

So here’s the antidote:

Build a business that immunises you from most of it.

When you gain financial freedom, time freedom and location freedom, it matters less what the lunatics around you are doing.

Plus, with your s**t well-and-truly together, you can set about solving some of the stuff that’s bringing us all down.

Philanthropy, campaigning, healing, influencing and guiding people to a better path are all easier once you’re on an even keel yourself.

In the meantime, narrow your circle of concern and and get on with it.

Start conversations every day, today included.

Don’t sink to the level of the world’s problems. Rise to the level where you can solve some of them.

Love you lots

PS: Gonna help you find your path of freedom and abundance on Thursday at 7pm UK in a micro-event called The Passion To Profit Masterclass.
I generated over $1m in revenue from the JHM business by Xmas 2022, and in 90-minutes on the 24th I’ll lay it all out on a silver platter so you can do it too. 

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