Whenever the economy appears to be slowing, JHM is divided.
Some of you say business as usual-ish. Others are reporting how “there’s no money around” and clients are vanishing like spectres in the mist, with barely a goodbye wave.
And you know what’s really happening there?
They shunted you into the “Not Needed In Case Of Emergency” pile.
People are still buying food. They’re still buying toilet rolls. They’re buying medicine.
But your medicine?
And that should never be the case, in good times or bad. If you’re not THE irresistible solution to their biggest challenges – the elixir to all their ills – then something’s not quite right. Whatever the weather, you’re helping fewer people who really need you. And you’re earning less than you should, in any kind of economy.
The situation you’re in today is just a grotesque amplification of what you were leaving on the table in the boom times.
Then it hurt you just a bit, now it’s killing you. If your clients are harder to find, look inward for the solution. Laser-focus on your proposition and decide who’d benefit the most from it.
Then start conversations with 5 people a day who look like your next ideal client.
It’s the time for making yourself more IMPORTANT.