You know what your problem is?

Your biggest problem is identifying THEIR biggest problem. 

Your ideal client’s, I mean.

Any fool can create a solution.

Solutions are ten-a-penny, which is why many of them are only worth a tenth of a penny.

Think of all the solutions you already have at your fingertips:

  • Hypnotherapy
  • NLP
  • RPE
  • Coaching skills
  • Life experience
  • CBT
  • Active listening
  • Guided meditation
  • Havening
  • EFT
    etc etc

But here’s the thing: all your competitors also have access to those solutions.

And the real kicker?

Your clients don’t want any of them!

They want solutions.

All you have to do is explain their problems better than they can, and they’ll automatically assume you can solve them. 

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