More bad news for 2024

If you’ve spent this year feeling any of this, I have some bad news:

  • Clients have been thin on the ground
  • You had hundreds of “chats” but few sales
  • You’ve been working too much
  • Marketing has been overwhelming you
  • You’ve not earned enough to pay the bills

Those feelings are pretty grim, right?

But the really bad news?

It’s not going to get better by itself. The changing of the calendar has no bearing on the trajectory of your business. 

What will make a difference – THE difference – is finally cracking the #1 success code:

Creating a sustainable, dependable daily process for starting conversations with people who look like your ideal clients, and enrolling them onto your programme. 

That will ensure you meet your financial goals, now and forever.

As a very special pre-Christmas treat, I’m gonna help you get a handle on that.

Click here to download your own personal copy of my Guaranteed Earnings Template, so you can work out EXACTLY how many prospects you’ll need to earn the money you want.

But don’t start 2024 hoping 2023’s ills will magically fix themselves.

It doesn’t work that way.

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