After listening to hundreds of sales calls, reading transcripts and hearing accounts from skilled coaches in our community, I’ve identified the single most common reason sales are failing:
You’re slamming your offer in too early.
You’re arriving on the call with a fixed view of what you’re going to sell, and the whole call is geared to selling that thing.
This means your prospect is likely to feel:
⚠️ You’re trying to hammer a square peg in a round hole
⚠️ You don’t care what they want as much as what you want
⚠️ You always sell the same thing to every different person
⚠️ You haven’t listened to enough about why they’re there
⚠️ Your solution won’t answer their biggest challenges
And none of those feelings are ever good news.
So, here’s the antidote:
Ask more smart, caring questions. Run the whole call from a place of loving curiosity.
Reserve your offer until you’re sure they’re sure you know them well enough to prescribe your solution.
The doctor doesn’t shower you with pills the minute you walk in her office.
She asks questions.
Then more questions, and more until she’s confident to give a diagnosis.
Be like that.
Don’t tell them everything about you until they’ve told you everything about them.
Because, in this game, they’re more important than you.
Love you lots
PS: Ever hankered to land a juicy corporate client, where you can have more impact and create more revenue than you do from working with individuals?
On Monday the 7th October at 1pm UK, Pete and I are running our “5 Steps To Lucrative Corporate Clients” Workshop, LIVE on Zoom with entry by ticket only.
You don’t pay to register, but register you must.