The Stupidest Thing I Ever Did

Seven years ago, I launched my first truly online business, using a method I believed was the only way to succeed:

I had an amazing(!) idea, then spent months beavering away on it in a darkened room, making sure I didn’t tell anyone about it before I finished it, in case they stole it for themselves.

I remember I was so intent on doing this, I even said to a friend of mine, “I can’t tell you about it right now, but you’ll be the first to know when it’s ready.”

There’s so much wrong with that approach, I now realise…lol

1: He stopped being my friend at that point and never stuck around to savour my marvellous idea in action
2: Because I insisted on bringing it to life all by myself, it turned out rubbish and everyone hated it
3: And anyway, at my rate of progress it took bloody ages and I nearly went broke in the meantime

What I should have done is:

1: Shared my idea with a wide selection of my potential clients to get early feedback and build a wait-list before I’d started building it
2: Sought help and advice from established experts already doing what I was proposing
3: Got a shift on and launched it before it was ready, so I could get paid sooner rather than later

And there’s my lesson to you.

Don’t do what I did in 2017. It really hurts.

Love you lots

PS: I called that “business” – it never really became a business – The Success Party. That sucks, right?

ALSO PS: Pete Scott and I have a few recordings of the “Five Steps To Lucrative Corporate Clients” workshop from yesterday available.
Want one?

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