I see so many talented coaches, therapists and consultants squandering the chance to work with their ideal clients, build a thriving practice and live a life of freedom and abundance.
After 7 years studying this phenomemon, I can share one of the main reasons this happens.
It’s what Seth Godin calls Strategy Myopia, and it’s a fancy way of saying you’re focusing on the wrong thing.
As Seth says:
Strategy myopia occurs when we fail to identify who we seek to serve, and focus on what we seek to produce instead. Empathy gives us a strategic advantage.
And in our business, it’s understandable. I get it.
You’ve spent months/years and thousands of monies learning your profession, gaining qualifications, accreditations and certifications.
Of course you want to tell everyone you’re a hypnotherapist, a registered Mind-Mapping trainer or an NLP Master.
And good for you. It’ll help later on, after someone pays you to deliver your epic transformation.
But there’s a word which always comes before “after”.
Yep, “before”
Before anyone will pay you for anything, they need to believe one thing:
That you hear them, get them, and understand them.
(That’s three things, but hey)
So from today, stop harping on about the tools in your toolbox, and start telling stories about the people whose lives you’re changing for the better.
Then, if we can see how that might apply to us, we’ll happily pay you to give it a try.