Top 5 Success Tips from 2024

I’ve had over 300 direct conversations with skilled coaches and consultants around the world this year, and I’m ready to spill some beans.

Hot, Christmassy beans, being as today’s what they call “Christmas Friday”

Yes, to get you in the festive mood, here are the Top Five Things They Told Me Worked In 2024 And Will Again in 2025.

5: When in doubt what to write about, enter the conversation they’re already having

This is the antidote to writing random thoughts that appeal to hardly anyone. Analyse conversations, posts and messages from your actual clients, and write your stuff in their words.

4: It’s easier to sell a few expensive things than lots of cheap things

Build your signature programme, and get into regular conversations with people who might buy it. Some of them will, and you’ll save a lot of hassle.

3: If in doubt – put your prices up

This is the #1 easiest way to make more money, as it requires no more effort compared to what you’re already doing. Also, price rises go straight to your bottom line, as your expenses stay the same.

2: Pick 3 keys things you’re going to do every day

Blow those massive to-do lists out of the water and laser-focus on three Golden Actions that will drive results. Inviting new members to your community, posting content and starting conversations might be on this (very) short list.

1: Start a conversation with one person a day you didn’t speak to before

And here’s your #1. For now and forever, if you can start one new conversation every day with someone who looks like your next ideal client, you’ll have a sustainable, scalable business. The rest of your marketing is providing you with a steady flow of people to talk to. So, don’t forget to talk.

These five Pro-Tips sum up the work we’re doing in the CIB, and you can apply them every day throughout the New Year.

Just call me Santa Jonny.



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