Self-confidence – the lie you tell yourself

Most people who say they lack confidence are lying to themselves. Inadvertently maybe, but lying nonetheless.

What they actually lack is something way easier to create than confidence. And when you read this, you’ll wonder why the heck you didn’t realise sooner.

Lack of confidence is mostly caused by a lack of action, leading to a lack of capability proof.

In other words, if you don’t do anything, why would you believe you ever could? That’s blind faith – belief without evidence, and is fundamentally irrational.

So, here’s the antidote to a lack of “confidence”, gifted with love from me to you.

😎 Post your wisdom for all to see
😎 Send that email or direct message
😎 Pick that phone up. Make that call
😎 Make an offer. Coach that client
😎 Tell the world of your successes

When you’ve done that list once, you’ll keep on doing it.

The gap from zero to one is exponentially bigger than the gap from one to two. Do something once, and you’ll know for sure you can do it again.

Don’t worry about the worst that can happen. Think of the best that could happen.

Better still, don’t think about anything beyond the task in front of you.

Simple, repeatable daily actions will immunise you against a lack of confidence forever.

SUMMARY: Taking action is the ultimate cure for a lack of confidence.

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