All of us in the change business – coaches, trainers, therapists, consultants – are aiming for one big result for our clients – the transfer of wealth.
Whether that’s wealth found in their happiness, contentment, well-being or literally in creating money-making opportunities for them, it always comes down to one thing:
Transferring to them some of the wealth of knowledge, skills and experience we have accumulated.
Of course, it’s not literally a transfer. It’s way, way better than that, because you still have it after you’ve given it to them. Like a flame lighting candles one after the other, they’re brighter for it, and so are you.
And using AI smartly is the ultimate wealth creator in 2025. It makes you better at the difficult things and faster at the time-consuming things.
All this frees up your time and energy to focus on wealth creation, yours and theirs.
How good are you at making the world more wealthy?