You don’t earn in relation to your effort. You don’t earn in relation to your time.
And especially, you don’t earn what you THINK you deserve.
You earn in relation to your impact.
You get paid based on how many people you affect, and how deeply.
That works across the world, and in all walks of life.
Pop stars
Movie icons
Business owners
And yes, coaches, consultants and therapists.
Those who earn lots of money impact the lives of lots of people, and not in a small way.
So here’s your route to riches:
1: Go find lots of people to market and sell your services to, or
2: Become a trusted adviser to a handful of companies or organisations which employ lots of people
That second route, counter-intuitively, is actually easier to master long-term.
It might be a little slower to build momentum, but hey.
Today might just be the day to get started…
Love you lots
PS: Did you see my staggeringly useful eBook called the 2025 Coaching & Consulting Success Blueprint? Reply with “Blueprint” and I’ll make sure you get a personal copy forthwith…