Are these your values too?


A little later, I’ll share the five core values which infuse everything I do.

It could be a great way for you to get to know me better, and see if we really gel with each other. It might also guide you to thinking about your own values.

Why does this matter?

Defining your values is a really important, foundational exercise you should undertake before you embark on creating a business.  

Your values form a kind of immutable template that lays down:

  • What you’re prepared to do
  • What you’re not prepared to do
  • What you simply can’t do
  • What you simply can’t NOT do
  • How you show up to the world

So here are my top five values:

1: I always strive to leave the world better than I found it
2: I would rather turn away a client than work with the wrong one
3: I value my readers’/clients’ time and attention as more valuable than my own
4: I am always open to change, collaboration and opportunity
5: I do everything I can to optimise my health and longevity

Have a play with some deep, soul-searching ideas, drop me a reply and let me know:

What are your core values? 

[5’s a good number, but anything from 3-10 works]

Love you lots

PS: If it’s crossed your mind to land some lucrative corporate engagements this year, you’ll need to join us on Monday.

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