A Proper Thankyou!


The last 7 months have been exhausting, exhilarating and extraordinary.

Since I launched The Success Party, the tribe of inspired and inspirational followers has grown from zero to over 1,000.

But you know who’s the most important out of all of them?

You are.

Why? Because you are reading this, which means all the work I put into handcrafting these Daily Brain Tattoos is worth it. Totally.

I’m truly overwhelmed by your loyalty and appetite for the stuff I create, and it means so, so much to me.

I haven’t said a proper thankyou to you yet, and I want to put that right, right now.

I’ve cleared space over the next week or so to give you something back, so how’s this sound?

A 44-minute conversation on Skype, Zoom or phone with me. My expense. Your benefit.
  • Get clarity, or talk about anything you feel like
  • Solve a business problem or challenge
  • Ask about marketing or sales
  • Need more customers? I’ll show you how.
  • Let me help you sort your life out!
  • Dating advice*

So you know, my one-on-one coaching starts at £500 a package, and Group coaching is anything from £2,000 for a 12-week course.

But not for you, not now.

To grab your gift from me, to you, just REPLY to this email with the words, HELL YEAH, JONNY!

I’ll be back in touch to schedule your utterly FREE 44-minute clarity session.

I hope that’s a useful thankyou, but if it doesn’t resonate, hit REPLY anyway and give a suggestion for something else you’d like.

Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart,

*Dating advice may be limited to “Brush your teeth and be nice”.

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