Imagine all the world’s wealth, gathered together and divided out equally across the global adult population.
There are many variables in valuing land, property and other non-cash assets, but there seems to be a consensus amongst people who can be bothered to estimate these things:
Everyone gets $100,000 or thereabouts.
Ignoring the gross impossibility of that scenario, here’s what happens within 3 years:
1: Most everyone is broke. Again.
2: The tiny minority of formerly rich folks get rich again.
Because people are conditioned to live how they’ve always lived.
Being broke isn’t a problem you solve by throwing money at it.
It’s a prison you escape from by changing your mind, thoughts and actions.
And the really good news when you manage that?
Money’s like a candle flame. Just because someone has more doesn’t mean someone else has less. Rich people pay more tax and spend more, safeguarding as well as creating jobs.
Learn how to create wealth and the whole world benefits.