Another networking myth busted

My Dad used to say, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

That might have been handy in the 60s when you could all but guarantee someone would answer the phone from the number on their business card.

But now, in your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, you won’t get far relying on who you know.

It’s all about who knows YOU.

And your ideal clients get to know you like this:

  • You gather them together in their own private community
  • You show up as the expert and authority every day
  • You make offers to help them personally, when they look like they need it
  • You appear “front of mind” in posts, emails and messages
  • You value their time, spoon-feeding quick & simple ways to transform their lives

My dear old dad was right, of his time.

These days it’s less about following, and more about leading.


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