Apologies for any offence

Fritha and I put together an edgy, persuasive email campaign to capture as much attention as possible for my 2-Day Build Your Facebook Sales Machine Bootcamp which started yesterday.

I think I may have overstepped some kind of mark with today’s final invitation, when I made the subject

“I’m calling the police, {first name}”

I went on to question whether the recipient was trapped inside their fridge and needed rescuing, given they hadn’t signed up for the bootcamp yet.

Here’s what happened…

🥹 email open rates pushing an almost-record 50%
🥹 More unsubscribers than ever before, and an alarming number of spam reports.
🥹 One lady threatening to call the police on ME if I behaved like this again
🥹 Another lady saying I could call the police if I wanted, and see what happened
🥹 Also, more last-minute registrations than any single email we’ve ever sent.

In conclusion…

I dunno, maybe just being a bit more dangerous works.

Love you lots

PS: Bootcamp Day One had over 60 people show up. Wanna come today? I promise not to offend you.

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