Are you an overnight success?

Overnight success

As the legendary Biz Stone said, ten years of hard work and trying will make you an overnight success.

While that might be true for many entrepreneurs, in a modern coaching, training or therapy business, success can come a whole lot more quickly.

Jonny Hates Marketing is only 18 months old, and we’re already impacting the lives of thousands of coaches and therapists just like you.

But, does that make it – ME – an overnight success?

Probably not.

Although it hasn’t taken me years of DOING new stuff, it’s built on years of BEING who I truly am.

We help our ideal client by showing up with everything we learnt, every day:

  • All our experiences, good and bad
  • All our failures
  • All our successes
  • All our accumulated skills
  • All our wisdom, compassion and values

With all that in your backpack, no wonder you’re not so far from overnight success!


PS – You’ll be even closer to overnight success if you learn to tame Facebook Live Videos and get them reaching your clients and making you money. It’s #LIveVideoWeek in JHM. It’s FREE and it’s LIVE at midday UK today!

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