Are you on schedule?

As Seth Godin points out:

“We get a huge benefit from making a simple commitment: “Don’t miss deadlines.” 

“The benefit is that once we agree to the deadline, we don’t have to worry about it anymore. We don’t have to negotiate, come up with excuses or even stress about it.”

And in your 21st-century coaching or therapy business this means:

  • Deciding when you’ll stop working on your programme, not fussing over it till it’s perfect [HINT: It never will be]
  • Setting a date for your first programme intake, and working back from there to gain the enrolments you want
  • Committing to launching your FB Group by a certain day. Yesterday was good, but today will probably be ok
  • Telling your tribe you’ll be going live at a certain time on a certain day, whatever else tries to get in the way
  • Publishing your all-singing, all-dancing new website on time whether it’s ready or not [HINT: It isn’t]

Once you commit to a deadline, the clarity of your thinking, the rate of your productivity, and the quality of your work all rise exponentially.

Instead of the open-ended pressure of a project with no known end, you’re now certain when you’re going to go public with your private creation.

And, like magic, it all works. 

Love you lots

PS: Also on a deadline: Getting help on some of the gnarly stuff you probably won’t work out for yourself, because nobody ever did.


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