Are you self-taught? I was today

I’ve spent a few days lovingly putting together the content for my Client Attraction Summit. 

That’s the one-day, one-off event that’s happening on my birthday, the 22nd November.

As I collated teachings, workshops and activities based around the JHM mission, I realised I was discovering some amazing things:

  • What I’m REALLY here for
  • How I can express that simply and clearly to an audience who’ve partly never met me
  • How I can make it entertaining and fun
  • How I’m going to reach more people than ever before with live events in 2019
  • How exciting it is creating content that stirs the imagination

Of course I’ve learnt most of this stuff from my peers, and over years.

But sometimes it’s nice to find a space to just listen to yourself. 


PS – All tickets gone for Thursday (of course), but if you’d like to reserve a place for 2019, I’m going to be in London in March. Pre-register by replying CAS 2019.

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