Are you too expensive?

Well no, likely you’re not. 

Some over-hyped clothing designer is selling gruesomely awful t-shirts for $250 each this year.

People buy paper-clips from Tiffany’s for $1500, and tin cans from the same catalogue for $1,100.

$450 is the going rate for pre-dirtied jeans from Nieman Marcus, and you can even buy a burger for $6,000 at a Dutch cafe.

“Expensive” is a relative term, and it’s relative to the perceived exchange of value.

If you’re getting pushback from potential clients based on price, think about improving the value exchange. 

If someone can look at a lousy T and decide it’s worth $250, your work is worth exponentially more.

You just need to make them see it. 

Love you lots

PS: Last seat available at the social media workshop of the year, starting at 4pm UK today. Here’s where to grab it, before anyone else does. 


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