Bad news for your business (maybe)

Do I have news for you!? It might sound like bad news. Sorry.

It’s actually the one bit of news this year you need to read, absorb and work into your life.

The only three skills you need so you can always make money, come what may:

1: Sales
2: Marketing
3: Networking

Without them you’ll get nowhere, and fast.

But if you have them in your pocket, you’ll bounce back from any crisis, in any economy, and from any manner of personal setbacks.

Once you’ve learnt them, nobody can take them away from you.

Get really, really good at all three and you’ll flourish, whatever the weather.

Everything else is just the detail of the project you’re working on in the moment.

Love you lots

PS: I’ll be teaching all three when the new cohort of the Client Attraction Blueprint starts their 12-week journey to business glory at the end of July. Room for only 2 more enlightened entrepreneurs.
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