I was talking to a coach today who asked me to have a look at his “marketing”, so he could start to get more of his ideal clients.
As you know, Jonny Hates Marketing, so that was never going to be a task I relished.
Anyway, I found his 3 websites, 2 Facebook business pages and 2 (really!) LinkedIn profiles and summed up the problem immediately:
He isn’t ready for marketing.Â
Here’s a short list of things you need to do before you start marketing ~
- Decide WHAT one thing you’re going to bring to the world
- Decide WHO needs or wants it, and
- Work out HOW you’re going to package it to them
WHAT, WHO and HOW are Jonny’s Three Pillars of Effortless Marketing, and they will eliminate the ball-ache, heart-ache and headache of trying to create revenue from a vague idea.
In this guy’s case, he’s going to have to decide which of his THREE websites, TWO FB Pages and TWO LI profiles he’s going to dump, so he ends up with a MAXIMUM of ONE of each.
Then we’ll create a single, consistent, compelling message to run across all those media. That’s his WHAT.
Next, we’ll work on his ideal client avatar – his WHO.
Finally, we’ll design a signature programme or product, build it and price it. Yes, that’s his HOW.
Now, we might just be ready to start marketing. Â
One way to crack the code of Facebook Group marketing is to join my FREE Facebook Group LIVE Masterclass on the 28th March from 13.00-1600 UK. It’ll give you all the tools you need to grow an organic lead-making machine on an hour a day. REGISTER HERE – and hurry. Places are limited and almost all gone. Â