How big can you go?

I just asked the Jonny Mates Marketing FB Group members how big they thought they could grow their coaching business, and here’s some of the responses:

  • What do you mean by “big”?
  • Big enough!
  • The biggest in the world!
  • What about stress?
  • I can only handle so much business…

Then, my friend and sales-coach Jason Kannigan hit the nail on the head –

“Get a number, amigos…build to the plan and then expand the size of the plan. “As much money as I can get” is no target at all.”


In business, targets always need to be definable, measurable and achievable.

But first, targets need to EXIST! 

Why would a coaching business be any different?


PS – My small-group, high-attention Client Attraction Blueprint programme should be a target for your business, and I’m kicking off the final Spring intake on the 30th May. Only a few places left, so register HERE now while you still can.  

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