Bulletproof your business

I was talking to a therapist this morning who’s had 12 clients cancel this week so far.

That leaves her with precisely zero appointments.

For the rest of her life, as I write this.

And yet.

With a modest pivot in her business model, she could have addressed all 12 of those clients with an offer to work with her online.

And they’d likely have agreed, given that none of her work demands the recently taboo hands-on intervention.

Steve Blampied and I have been investigating how widespread this business extinction event is around our community.

And it really shocked us.

So, here’s what we’re doing.

1: By tomorrow, we’ll have a white paper ready to distribute.

It’s called Move Your Coaching or Therapy Business 100% Online in Less Than 7 Days.

Catchy, eh?

Anyway, we’re going to offer that white paper at no cost to every JHM Group member who needs it, including you.

2: By the end of the week, we’re going to be making a very special announcement

It’ll offer help and support for any coach or therapist facing stress, anxiety and financial uncertainty.

It’s our quest to improve the health and wealth of this community, and we’re not going to desert you now.


PS – Keep your eyes peeled, and meanwhile (If you haven’t already) type ONLINE below to get your hands on the White Paper when it’s done tomorrow.

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