Can you believe how many there are?

Today’s a day for celebration, and you’re part of it. 

What you’re reading right now is my 500th Daily Brain Tattoo.

I’ve been bashing them out them six days a week since March 2017, and now there’s a whole half-thousand of the little critters.

Some more fun-facts:

  • Over 120,000 individual reads have been achieved via email alone
  • Posted daily to the JHM Facebook Group, they’ve given me a total exposure to over 400,000 readers
  • 100 of them are published in my first book, which became #1 Bestseller on its launch day

Aside from the numbers, the soft facts are even more fun: 

  • Writing daily has taught me about who I am, and what I really do
  • It’s also shown me what my ideal client (YOU!) needs and wants, every day
  • The DBTs have underpinned the rapid growth of JHM from zero to a six-figure business in 18 months

Nice for me, but what’s this got to do with you?

Here’s what:

Creating a 21st century coaching, training or therapy business is all about consistent daily action, focused laser-sharp on what your client needs and wants.


PS – I’m in a party mood – there’ll NEVER be another 500th DBT, so here’s another ONE-OFF thing. Well, FIVE-OFF. The first 5 of you to click this link get a FREE 15-minute LIVE session with me on ANY topic you want. Literally, anything. Normally £99, but free if you book it NOW for next week. Good luck, and thanks for reading!  

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