In yesterday’s Thank Flip It’s Friday™ LIVE workshop, we talked about how to have your clients feel a true emotional connection with you.
That way they’re much more likely to buy, buy more and stick with you forever.
This is such a simple and powerful shift YOU can make immediately, and it could transform the way you attract and retain your ideal clients.
Here are 5 ways to achieve that:
1: Lift the curtain on your life outside business. Show us your family, your leisure and your adventures
2: Express loving curiosity in social media. Ask lots of questions, then question their answers
3: Make your brand values clear. What do you stand for, and against?
4: Send gifts – merchandise, books, candles, etc – to your VIP clients
5: Create exemplary customer service. Treat them as you would like to be be treated
In short, show them you love them, and they’ll love you back!