Did I get your name?

I mean your trading name, your business.

If it’s anything like this:

  • Dave Smith Coaching
  • Therapy with Jane
  • A Joyful Life
  • The Tranquility Zone
  • The Success Party

Then, I have no idea what you do.

More importantly, I have no idea what you can do for ME.

So, try these instead:

  • Play Piano In 30 Days
  • Joyful Redundancy
  • Facebook Ads Mastery
  • Flush Away Crohn’s
  • Jonny Hates Marketing

Now, you’re way more likely to attract me if and when I want any of that stuff.

Your business name is the FIRST thing we see of you.

Just make sure it’s not the LAST.


PS – You might have heard of a programme called The Client Attraction Blueprint. I made it, just for you.

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