Do you have a programme?

If you’re a coach or therapist and you don’t have a signature programme, you’re missing a trick.

A whole box of tricks, in fact.

Selling sessions by the hour, even in “packages”, makes the business of marketing your services much harder than it needs to be.

That’s why turning your services into a programme makes night-and-day difference to your ability to position yourself, market yourself and stand out from the noise.

It’s #ProgrammeWeek in the JHM free Facebook Group, and today is DAY 2 of your guide to building a programme that sells.

At 10am UK I’m going Live in the Group with the guide to how to build your programme, how long it should last, and how much to charge for it. 

Here’s where to watch the Live video at 10am today.

If you have a really good excuse why you can’t be there, catch the recording using the same link.


PS – It’s free, and value-packed. 

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